Karen Thomas Agency - 30710 Beck Rd Novi, MI 48377

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How Umbrella Insurance Works

How Umbrella Insurance Works

Most types of insurance provide one specific kind of coverage. For instance, your auto insurance policy protects you in case of a car accident, while your homeowners policy covers your house, and the belongings in it, against theft or damage. By contrast, umbrella insurance is a single policy that covers most aspects of your financial life – just like an umbrella covers every part of your…

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What is the difference between Standard Collision and Broadened Collision Coverage?

What is the difference between Standard Collision and Broadened Collision Coverage?

When it comes to buying auto insurance, most people we talk to simply know they want “PLPD” or “Full Coverage,” but do not know that you and options when it comes to the type of collision coverage you want. Full coverage consists of physical damage coverage and entails two parts; comprehensive coverage (cracked windshield, hitting a deer, vandalism, stolen, etc.)…

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